Episode 780 – He Pooped on the Rug!

The Tim Corrimal Show
Episode 780 – March 2, 2025

Show Art - Putin with a leash on Trump cleaning up his poop on the carpet of the Oval Office.

On episode 780 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (Joseph Santorsa on Facebook and @marnus3.bsky.social on BlueSky), Cathy (@cathylarkin.bsky.social on BlueSky) and from the Let’s Remember To Never Forget Facebook Page, and Adam Hebert (Adam Hebert on Facebook and @theadamhebert on Threads) from RadioForHumans.com.

On the show this week we discuss the social media clips below:
1. @thewokeginger on TikTok
2. @mike_ghalsworthy on TikTok
3. @underthedesknews on TikTok
4. @ohhthatsrich on TikTok
5. @mdg650hawk7thacct on TikTok
6. @snapbacknow on TikTok
7. @unlearn16 on TikTok
8. @jolly_good_ginger on TikTok
9. @theempresscjj on TikTok
10. @kingroseworld on TikTok
11. @briantylercohen on TikTok
12. @christinatalkstea on TikTok
13. @theloneranter on TikTok
14. @tevin.m.davis on TikTok

You can contact me on social media at @TimCorrimal using my LinkTree.

The Tim Corrimal Show is available on Apple Podcasts and Amazon Podcasts.  The show is also broadcast on Netroots Radio at 6:30am Eastern and 7:00pm Eastern on Mondays as well as on Radio for Humans on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:00am Eastern and on Tuesdays at 7:00pm Eastern.

Music on the show:
Lauren Mayer – Big Cuts 4 You, Big Spending 4 Me
Lauren Mayer’s Website
Lauren Mayer’s YouTube Page
Lauren Mayer on Twitter
Lauren Mayer on Facebook
Lauren Mayer’s Bandcamp Page
Lauren Mayer’s Patreon Page
Lauren Mayer’s Merchandise Shop

Episode 779 – Relief Is On The Way!

The Tim Corrimal Show
Episode 779 – February 23, 2025

Show Art - A meteor heading toward Earth with a sign on America saying

On episode 779 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (Joseph Santorsa on Facebook and @marnus3.bsky.social on BlueSky), Cathy (@cathylarkin.bsky.social on BlueSky) and from the Let’s Remember To Never Forget Facebook Page, and Tee Brown (@teebrown1061 on Spoutible and @teebrown@ohai.social on Mastodon) who is the host of “Tea Time with Tee” on YouTube.

On the show this week we discuss the social media clips below:
1. @thewokeginger on Instagram
2. @theloneranter on TikTok
3. @nooxynews_lordtimothais on TikTok
4. @christinatalkstea on TikTok
5. @he.cold3 (bootsysanders) on TikTok
6. @off_jawaggon on TikTok
7. @itsnickholiday on TikTok
8. @_incrediberry on Instagram
9. @TabithaSpeaksPolitics on YouTube
10. @franchesca_leigh on TikTok
11. @mdg650hawk7thacct on TikTok
12. @2rawtooreal2 on TikTok
13. @kcvotes on TikTok
14. @teresabrown644 on TikTok
15. @millennial.mia on TikTok

You can contact me on social media at @TimCorrimal using my LinkTree.

The Tim Corrimal Show is available on Apple Podcasts and Amazon Podcasts.  The show is also broadcast on Netroots Radio at 6:30am Eastern and 7:00pm Eastern on Mondays as well as on Radio for Humans on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:00am Eastern and on Tuesdays at 7:00pm Eastern.

Music on the show:
Lauren Mayer – The Trump & Putin Dance
Lauren Mayer’s Website
Lauren Mayer’s YouTube Page
Lauren Mayer on Twitter
Lauren Mayer on Facebook
Lauren Mayer’s Bandcamp Page
Lauren Mayer’s Patreon Page
Lauren Mayer’s Merchandise Shop

Episode 778 – Out of the Mouth of Babes

The Tim Corrimal Show
Episode 778 – February 16, 2025

Show Art - Elon Musk's son asking Trump

On episode 778 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (Joseph Santorsa on Facebook and @marnus3.bsky.social on BlueSky), Seth (@SethP23 on Twitter and @SethP23@stranger.social on Mastodon) from the VEGANesp Blog and his new photography website at https://www.sethpajak.com, Sue (@sueinrockville.bsky.social onBlueSky and @SueInRockville@mstdn.social on Mastodon) and https://bren-books.com, and Justice Putnam (@justiceputnam.sky.social on BlueSky and @justiceputnam@sfba.social on Mastodon) from NetrootsRadio.comand http://www.dailykos.com/user/justiceputnam.

On the show this week we discuss the social media clips below:
1. @jadedkatt89 on TikTok
2. @_incrediberry on Instagram
3. @off_jawaggon on TikTok
4. @underthedesknews on TikTok
5. @ohhthatsrich on TikTok
6. @PissedoffBartender on YouTube
7. @thecindynoir on TikTok
8. @thewokeginger on Instagram
9. @chasingoz on TikTok
10. @christinatalkstea on TikTok
11. @theloneranter on TikTok
12. @tizzyent on TikTok
13. @pearlmania500 on TikTok

You can contact me on social media at @TimCorrimal using my LinkTree.

The Tim Corrimal Show is available on Apple Podcasts and Amazon Podcasts.  The show is also broadcast on Netroots Radio at 6:30am Eastern and 7:00pm Eastern on Mondays as well as on Radio for Humans on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:00am Eastern and on Tuesdays at 7:00pm Eastern.

Music on the show:
Lauren Mayer – We Did Not Elect Elon
Lauren Mayer’s Website
Lauren Mayer’s YouTube Page
Lauren Mayer on Twitter
Lauren Mayer on Facebook
Lauren Mayer’s Bandcamp Page
Lauren Mayer’s Patreon Page
Lauren Mayer’s Merchandise Shop

Episode 777 – Prison for the Criminally Insane

The Tim Corrimal Show
Episode 777 – February 9, 2025

Show Art - The White House behind prison fencing with a sign that says "District of Columbia Prison for the Criminally Insane. Est. January 20, 2025".

On episode 777 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (Joseph Santorsa on Facebook and @marnus3.bsky.social on BlueSky), Francie (@Francie75.bsky.social on BlueSky and @Francie57@mastodon.social on Mastodon), Cathy (@cathylarkin.bsky.social on BlueSky) and from the Let’s Remember To Never Forget Facebook Page, and John Bridevaux (@abluedotintexas.bsky.social on BlueSky) from his awesome video blog A Blue Dot In Texas.

On the show this week we discuss the social media clips below:
1. @cbcvancouver on TikTok
2. @hawkspodcasts on YouTube
3. @diva_dee25 on TikTok
4. @theempresscjj on TikTok
5. @mrglobaltoo on TikTok
6. @nooxynews_lordtimothais on TikTok
7. @tizzyent on TikTok
8. @ohhthatsrich on TikTok
9. @christinatalkstea on TikTok
10. @underthedesknews on TikTok
11. @theloneranter on TikTok

You can contact me on social media at @TimCorrimal using my LinkTree.

The Tim Corrimal Show is available on Apple Podcasts and Amazon Podcasts.  The show is also broadcast on Netroots Radio at 6:30am Eastern and 7:00pm Eastern on Mondays as well as on Radio for Humans on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:00am Eastern and on Tuesdays at 7:00pm Eastern.

Music on the show:
Lauren Mayer – So Long, Ma
Lauren Mayer’s Website
Lauren Mayer’s YouTube Page
Lauren Mayer on Twitter
Lauren Mayer on Facebook
Lauren Mayer’s Bandcamp Page
Lauren Mayer’s Patreon Page
Lauren Mayer’s Merchandise Shop

Episode 776 – They Kicked Me Out Too

Episode 776 – February 2, 2025
Show Art - Stephen Miller driving an Immigration Enforcement van with the Statue of Liberty chained to the roof and Elon Musk giving a yahtzee salute.
On the show this week we discuss the social media clips below:

You can contact me on social media at @TimCorrimal using my LinkTree.

The Tim Corrimal Show is available on Apple Podcasts and Amazon Podcasts.  The show is also broadcast on Netroots Radio at 6:30am Eastern and 7:00pm Eastern on Mondays as well as on Radio for Humans on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:00am Eastern and on Tuesdays at 7:00pm Eastern.

Music on the show:

Episode 775 – The Gulf of Daddy Dumpy Pants

The Tim Corrimal Show
Episode 775 – January 26, 2025

Show Art - A cartoon map of The Gulf of Mexico with Trump standing on a ladder, marking through Mexico with a Sharpie and writing America under it

On episode 775 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (Joseph Santorsa on Facebook and @marnus3.bsky.social on BlueSky), Cathy (@cathylarkin.bsky.social on BlueSky) and from the Let’s Remember To Never Forget Facebook Page, Sue (@sueinrockville.bsky.social onBlueSky and @SueInRockville@mstdn.social on Mastodon) and https://bren-books.com, and Lauren Mayer (Laurenscomedysongs.bsky.social on BlueSky and @PsychoSuperMom on YouTube) joins us briefly at the beginning of the show.

On the show this week we discuss the social media clips below:
1. @mansionsandmascara on Instagram
2. SNL Dave Chappelle Stand-Up Monologue 2025 on YouTube
3. @TheRealTexasPaul on YouTube
4. @thewokeginger on Instagram
5. @TabathaSpeaksPolitics on YouTube
6. @christinatalkstea on TikTok
7. @mdg650hawk7thacct on TikTok
8. @off_jawaggon on Instagram
9. @ontariondp on TikTok
10. @kingroseworld on TikTok
11. @theloneranter on TikTok
12. @christinatalkstea on TikTok

You can contact me on social media at @TimCorrimal using my LinkTree.

The Tim Corrimal Show is available on Apple Podcasts and Amazon Podcasts.  The show is also broadcast on Netroots Radio at 6:30am Eastern and 7:00pm Eastern on Mondays as well as on Radio for Humans on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:00am Eastern and on Tuesdays at 7:00pm Eastern.

Music on the show:
Lauren Mayer – Age of the Broligarchs
Lauren Mayer’s Website
Lauren Mayer’s YouTube Page
Lauren Mayer on Twitter
Lauren Mayer on Facebook
Lauren Mayer’s Bandcamp Page
Lauren Mayer’s Patreon Page
Lauren Mayer’s Merchandise Shop

Episode 774 – And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going

The Tim Corrimal Show
Episode 774 – January 19, 2025

Show Art - Michelle Obama saying

On episode 774 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (Joseph Santorsa on Facebook and @marnus3.bsky.social on BlueSky), Francie (@Francie75.bsky.social on BlueSky and @Francie57@mastodon.social on Mastodon), Seth (@SethP23 on Twitter and @SethP23@stranger.social on Mastodon) from the VEGANesp Blog and his new photography website at https://www.sethpajak.com, and Tee Brown (@teebrown1061 on Spoutible and @teebrown@ohai.social on Mastodon) who is the host of “Tea Time with Tee” on YouTube.

On the show this week we discuss the social media clips below:
1. @mermaidmamamaggie on Instagram
2. @texaspaulschroder on Instagram
3. @thomas_thevillian_bishop on TikTok
4. @2rawtooreal2 on TikTok
5. @nooxynews_lordtimothais on TikTok
6. @paula_wvlala on TikTok
7. @joyannreid on Instagram
8. @christinatalkstea on TikTok
9. @TabithaSpeaksPolitics on YouTube
10. @mdg650hawk on YouTube
11. @pearlmania500 on Instagram
12. @mermaidmamamaggie on Instagram
13. @joyreidofficial on TikTok
14. @thedemonofthemidwestiii on TikTok
15. @ohhthatsrich on TikTok

You can contact me on social media at @TimCorrimal using my LinkTree.

The Tim Corrimal Show is available on Apple Podcasts and Amazon Podcasts.  The show is also broadcast on Netroots Radio at 6:30am Eastern and 7:00pm Eastern on Mondays as well as on Radio for Humans on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:00am Eastern and on Tuesdays at 7:00pm Eastern.

Music on the show:
Lauren Mayer – Doin’ the Jewish Goodbye
Lauren Mayer’s Website
Lauren Mayer’s YouTube Page
Lauren Mayer on Twitter
Lauren Mayer on Facebook
Lauren Mayer’s Bandcamp Page
Lauren Mayer’s Patreon Page
Lauren Mayer’s Merchandise Shop

Episode 773 – Greenland, Canada, and Panama, Oh My

The Tim Corrimal Show
Episode 773 – January 12, 2025

Show Art - Donald Trump, Jr. on a pile of snow saying

On episode 773 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (Joseph Santorsa on Facebook and @marnus3.bsky.social on BlueSky), Ian Reifowitz (@ianreifowitz.bsky.social on BlueSky), Cathy (@cathylarkin.bsky.social on BlueSky) and from the Let’s Remember To Never Forget Facebook Page, and John Bridevaux (@abluedotintexas.bsky.social on BlueSky) from his awesome video blog A Blue Dot In Texas.

On the show this week we discuss the social media clips below:
1. @TabithaSpeaksPolitics on YouTube
2. @2rawtooreal2 on TikTok
3. @jasonmoxley853 on TikTok
4. @mdg650hawk on Instagram
5. @mermaidmamamaggie on Instagram
6. @christinatalkstea on TikTok
7. @christinatalkstea on TikTok
8. @christinatalkstea on TikTok
9. @joyannreid on Instagram
10. @nooxynews_lordtimothais on TikTok
11. @unlearn16 on TikTok
12. @joyannreid on Instagram
13. @jolly_good_ginger on TikTok
14. @all_things_democracy on Instagram
15. @lizzwinstead on Facebook

You can contact me on social media at @TimCorrimal on Mastodon, Facebook, Threads, Spoutible, and BlueSky.

The Tim Corrimal Show is available on Apple Podcasts and Amazon Podcasts.  The show is also broadcast on Netroots Radio at 6:30am Eastern and 7:00pm Eastern on Mondays as well as on Radio for Humans on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:00am Eastern and on Tuesdays at 7:00pm Eastern.

Music on the show:
Lauren Mayer – Kiss the Ring
Lauren Mayer’s Website
Lauren Mayer’s YouTube Page
Lauren Mayer on Twitter
Lauren Mayer on Facebook
Lauren Mayer’s Bandcamp Page
Lauren Mayer’s Patreon Page
Lauren Mayer’s Merchandise Shop

Episode 772 – MAGA Civil War

The Tim Corrimal Show
Episode 772 – January 5, 2025

Show Art - Native Americans telling Elon Musk

On episode 772 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (Joseph Santorsa on Facebook and @marnus3.bsky.social on BlueSky), Francie (@Francie57 on Twitter and @Francie57@mastodon.social on Mastodon), Cathy (@Cathy47204163 on Twitter and @CathyLarkin@sfba.social on Mastodon) and from the Let’s Remember To Never Forget Facebook Page, Matt (@MessagingMatters@mstdn.social on Mastodon) from The Messaging Matters Blog, and Adam Hebert (Adam Hebert on Facebook and @theadamhebert on Threads) from RadioForHumans.com.

On the show this week we discuss the social media clips below:
1. @mysticwolf_music on TikTok
2. @theempresscjj on TikTok
3. @christinatalkstea on TikTok
4. @akilahobviously on TikTok
5. @2rawtooreal2 on TikTok
6. @harryjsisson on TikTok
7. @TabithaSpeaksPolitics on YouTube
8. @christophermillsmusic
9. @unlearn16 on TikTok
10. @thejourneyofteej on TikTok
11. @_incrediberry on Instagram
12. @donlemon on TikTok
13. @coreyrforrester on TikTok

You can contact me on social media at @TimCorrimal on Mastodon, Facebook, Threads, Spoutible, and BlueSky.

The Tim Corrimal Show is available on Apple Podcasts and Amazon Podcasts.  The show is also broadcast on Netroots Radio at 6:30am Eastern and 7:00pm Eastern on Mondays as well as on Radio for Humans on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:00am Eastern and on Tuesdays at 7:00pm Eastern.

Music on the show:
Lauren Mayer – The Plainly Decent Plain Man From Plains
Lauren Mayer’s Website
Lauren Mayer’s YouTube Page
Lauren Mayer on Twitter
Lauren Mayer on Facebook
Lauren Mayer’s Bandcamp Page
Lauren Mayer’s Patreon Page
Lauren Mayer’s Merchandise Shop

The 2019 Holiday Special Replay

The Tim Corrimal Show
The 2019 Holiday Special Replay

Show Art - The Tim Corrimal Show 2019 Holiday Special Replay

On the 2019 Holiday Special Best of the Clown Car episode of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (Joseph Santorsa on Facebook and @marnus3.bsky.social on BlueSky) for some of the best Clown Car segments from the show featuring the fabulous songs from our great friend Lauren Mayer (@LaurensComedy on Twitter) as well as some of our frequent podcast guests telling stories of Holidays past.

You can contact me on social media at @TimCorrimal on Mastodon, Facebook, Threads, Spoutible, and BlueSky.

The Tim Corrimal Show is available on Apple Podcasts and Amazon Podcasts.  The show is also broadcast on Netroots Radio at 6:30am Eastern and 7:00pm Eastern on Mondays as well as on Radio for Humans on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:00am Eastern and on Tuesdays at 7:00pm Eastern.

Check Out Lauren Mayer’s links below:
Lauren Mayer’s Website
Lauren Mayer’s YouTube Page
Lauren Mayer on Twitter
Lauren Mayer on Facebook
Lauren Mayer’s Bandcamp Page
Lauren Mayer’s Patreon Page
Lauren Mayer’s Merchandise Shop